Future of Business

Scenario Planning and Risk Management


Dynamic task allocation has the potential to revolutionize the way organizations manage their workforce, by enabling more effective use of employee skills and promoting collaboration and knowledge sharing across traditional organizational boundaries.

Sagacity’s solution enables an organization to allocate tasks across traditional organizational boundaries based on employee skills, availability, and predicted performance. Sagacity combines employee skills data with task similarity to generate recommendations for allocating tasks to employees, in both short-and long-term. Organizations can accomplish the following with Sagacity’s assistance:

  1. Improve the productivity of resources, as tasks are assigned to employees based on their skills and experience
  2. Deliver better customer satisfaction and turn around time by managing workflow volatility more effectively
  3. Improve team utilization by transferring work to teams with low utilization rates
  4. Create a more diverse and adaptable workforce, as employees are exposed to a wider range of tasks and challenges

Application areas for cost reduction

Sagacity’s solution for dynamic task allocation can be used by organizations to decrease costs:

  1. Improve staffing ratios and reduce other associated infrastructure costs
  2. Reduce onboarding costs by utilizing internal talent from other parts of the organization   

How Sagacity's solution is better

Traditional approaches to task allocation tend to be less dynamic and less data-driven than Sagacity’s solution. Manual task allocation is effective in limited contexts, and certainly not suitable for more complex or rapidly changing organizational environments.

Sagacity’s approach of dynamic task allocation has several advantages over other approaches:


Sagacity combines employee skills data with task similarity to allocate tasks across organizational boundaries


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